Tag: pipistrel

  • New Series: The State of Getting to Net Zero Emissions in Aviation

    Getting to net zero emissions in aviation is certainly a hard problem. Luckily, there are many smart people working on decarbonizing aviation at an astonishing pace. Regulations are starting to have an effect as well but more about that later on this site. With this article, we’ll kick-off our new series about the state of…

  • Pipistrels Velis Electro: One year since type certification

    Pipistrel, the aircraft manufacturer from Slovenia, celebrates the first anniversary of the type certification of its battery-powered two seater, the Velis Electro. After EASA granted the type-certificate on June 10th 2020, the Velis Electro remains the only type-certified electrically powered airplane in the world. Big beneficiaries of this ground-breaking technology are the neighbouring communities. The…